2007    The Derby Council called a bowls viability meeting. They expressed concern at the level of subsidy per member paid by the council for each club.This varied between £100 per player at the biggest clubs and £800 per year at the smallest clubs, based on a cost of maintenance of about £9000 per green .From 2009 the council were looking to receive £2000 from each club plus an addition of £1500 if the club had a second green. They recommended expanding membership, Merge with other clubs ,Closure, or a green maintenance partnership with the council. (Chaddesden already had the scheme so were unaffected)  Chaddesden expressed their concern it may have on league bowling.

Abbey bowls club folded, and 8 of their members joined Chaddesden.the result being we ran additional teams.

2008     A bequest from the estate of John Williamson has been received on the understanding we built a new shelter on the Willow Green.A vote to pay members maintaining the green £50 was carried. The maintainance team numbered ten.

2009    The club balloted  for changes to club colours for men as blue tops and grey trousers.

2010     Letter received from council to say it was our last year of our contract to mow the greens and this needs renewing every 5 years. Margaret Wright and Alan Chamberlain were compiling a club history  for the web site. Dave Hill was appointed as the person to contact re club history. The club won the Bronze medal award for it's BREAST CANCER appeal. Costs of replacing floodlights on the Park Green was £3,063.65, the council could not help with this. There was a proposal to apply undulations to the Park Green ,which was deferred.   Team successes ,Ladies 1st team won the SD League, Both SD Ladies vets teams were runners up in their leagues .Belper League over 55's won division 2. Sat singles B were runners up, Floodlit team won their division. The South Derbyshire Champions of Campions was held on the Park ,and Willow greens.

2011   Committee opposed plans for the new library, as did the police, meetings were held about this. The window at the end of the hut on Park Green was to be bricked up and a mural painted on it. Public toilets were to be revamped at a cost of £10,000. It was agreed to let Paul Tooth play in our internal competitions, even though he league bowled for another club, this was due to the work he does for the club. The Vets team won the Memorial Cup, the last time we won it was 13 years earlier .Max Litherland was voted in as chairman, and Ethel Storer vice president. It was agreed the position would be for 2 years, when the vice president would be President, and a new vice president elected. Averages now to  calculated using percentages. Life members must have served 25 consecutive years, and Veterans must be 60.The council did not approach us about renewing the lease, so we put an offer in. Servicing and repairs to mowers was£905.45.

2012  3 vets team were entered into the league for the first time, Members were asked not to let people lock up on their own at night. We had a break in to our container and an insurance claim was submitted.SD vets league to be 3 divisions, followed by a divisional cup. Discussions took place re low attendances figures for internal competitions. It was also raised that the SD men's team were struggling for players, and appealed for more members to play in this. Players were urged to put their names down on the sheets showing which teams they were willing to play for.

2013    A payment was received from the insurance company, and most of the items have been replaced, a list of contents was produced and held by the secretary .Due to council cuts they could not  boards around the Willow green. Fees for season were: vets £27, Full Members £33, Associate £12, Life Members a £5 reduction. The full cost of our insurance claim was£1,024,33. The full cost of replacing mowers was researched established as £9,110.25. CCTV cameras were up and running in both pavilions, and both pavilions passed safety checks with flying colours. Concerns were raised about the SD men's team as the new captain ad not attended any meetings, and was new to the club. In AOB it was decided to withdraw the men's team as we only had 6 or 7 members interested in it. A meeting had been held with the council regarding green maintenance, the council confirming they will not do anything unless we pay for it. They say costs would be £16,000,00 for two greens. The meeting was dissolved at this point. Money had been granted and passed to the council for erection of a new fence between library. Talk of a new 5 year lease that has to be negotiated. At the AGM it was said the details of the new lease are very complex and we are expected to do things we thought the council would be responsible for., we are in discussion with other clubs in the same position..Several rules for internal competitions were changed.

2014.   THIS WAS A BUSY YEAR FOR THE CLUB. We took over the lease from the council, and started to prepare for our 60 Anniversary celebrations.

              There was a clash of personalities between several members and the secretary, which resulted in more documents and minutes to sort through than any other year.This clash of personalities was resolved prior to the 2015 season but resulted in several members leaving the club

A lease was held with the council to sort final aspects of the lease prior to signing it, much of the work for the new lease was done by Mick Murfin and Dave Hill.

Our responsibility to maintain the greens and Pavilions start on 1st April.A new carpet was fitted in the Park Pavilion at a cost of £260. It was agreed to purchase a computer for the secretary ,and Dave Hill set it up .Some maintenance still had to be carried out by council, as handling chemical needed a C.O.S.H certificate .Paul Tooth has now got a certificate, so we don't need the council to do it. The irrigation system had been decommissioned due to cost of repairs, but it was now decided to continue with it and do our own repairs. Subscriptions were increased to £40 for full members due to the increased costs taking over the lease. The new lease needed to be signed by the trustees of the club, These were Chair, June Roberts, vice Brenda Fitzhugh, secretary Paul Burton, treasurer Brenda Lightfoot.

In July the Chairlady June Roberts resigned. Several instances were quoted of committee members being reported to the Council. the DVLA, and the DHSS for various issues, and could only have been known by club members, not members of the public. A member of the green maintenance team resigned, but would resume if certain other members left. The services the council still did were valued at £5328, as compared for their quote to all clubs as £16,000.

Resignation was receive from Belper League Secretary, Various letters from member A complaining about member B, and visa versa, the committee sent them letters in the hope they would apologies to each other. It was agreed that all letters including disciplinary were to go in correspondence, discussed by committee, and the result included in the minutes, but not the content. The membership couldn't agree to resolve internal competitions, and solutions were deferred. In view of the unrest over the last 3 or 4 meetings, a new constitution is to be drawn up.

5th October: At the start of the meeting the chair was taken by the secretary(the chairlady having resigned), but this led to a very heated discussion on if they should vote in a new  chairperson or if the position would move down the list of officers present as described in the club rules.

The members opposing the secretary taking the chair proposed a new chairperson, and the secretary said he would still like to stand as the chairperson so a vote was held where the secretary still won 11-4. This led to several members standing up and walking out of the meeting. One of those was reported as swearing at the secretary.

9th November, The member reported for swearing at the secretary in the minutes of the last meeting said he did not so the minutes were wrong, the secretary said the minutes were correct, and the member threatened the committee with solicitor .Julie Tooth had contacted the council re club constitution, who confirmed the club rules were the constitution. Liam Tooth was congratulated at representing our club in the County Juniors team.

AGM . The normal order of the meeting was amended so that nominations for officers and captains was brought forward so that the elected chairman can run the meeting. Unusually nominations for officers and captains would be accepted from the floor, and noy just restricted to the nomination sheets. There were two nominations fron the shhts and one from the floor, the person nominated from the floor was elected, there was one nomination from the sheet, and one from the floor, the one from the floor was elected.All the other positions were voted en block.



2015  February, The chairman had a list of problems from last season and these were down to the secretary who should be thrown out.

                               This was unanimously rejected with several members saying the secretary did a good job. Various letters of correspondence, including anonymous. All these letters were complaining about certain members of the committee. One member pointed out there was still a lot of ill feeling in the club due to personality clashes. The meeting continued without further incident. The use of the website was discussed and it was decided to keep it indefinitely.

          March, Pre season meeting. The secretary reported that the Chairman, and Vice Chairlady had resigned and proposed that the two people who had received the second highest votes at the AGM should take these positions, this was voted in by the membership, and John Kettle is charman and Julie Tooth Vice Chairlady.

It was decided to amalgamate many of the competitions named after previous into one competition. A bus trip was being organised for 5th July. Derbyshire Ladies v Lancashire  was played at Chaddesden Willow Green, problems with use of our irrigation system with council, and is under review. Aset of amendments to club rules has been prepared, the secretary was asked to bring an updated set of rules at the next committee meeting. A quote from the council was received for top dressing and overseeding of £4994.80. it was decided not to act on this until we have a report on irrigation system. No repairs to floodlights yet, unable to sauce cherry picker, expenditure of £1,000 authorised .Nomination sheets for positions to be voted on at the AGM were on the board, the secretary was asked not to volunteer for any vacant positions and see what happens at the AGM. We agreed to council overseeding at the new cost of £3000.

AGM . Outgoing president Ethel Storer welcomed our new president Joy Wood, new set of club rules generated to be put up in both pavilions, Julie Tooth was voted ai as chairman.

2016   Issue raised with council over green maintenance, as they had not top dressed the greens. Adverts for new members placed in Chaddesden Magazine.Two steps to be put on the Willow Green. An external company quoted £2700, for scarifying ,aerating, top dressing ,and seeding both greens, and was accepted.










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