Belper League Fixtures
All fixtures are now on line, see results tab
Note Wednesday Doubles have withdrawn a team, so we have only have the B team in Div3, The A team were in Div1 after 2 promotions, and winning the league cup in 2 years, which is very disappointing.
Mens Vets
Fixtures now on line see results tab
Senior Ladies
Fixtures for SD senior ladies are now available on the results tab
S D Update
Points from the AGM 13/2, Mon night fixtures start 7th April end 1st Sept. New teams Belmont, Horsley, Aston & Weston.
Tuesday night fixtures start 22nd April end 19th Aug, new teams , Derby Co Op, Belper Pottery, and Denby.
Friday night fixtures start 11th April, end 22nd August, withdrawals Belmont A, and Derby Co Op.
Dickie Cup 22nd May, 5th and 19th June.
Over 200 attended the presentation night, which made £500 on the evening.
League fees to be the same as 2024.
Due to health problems, the green maintenance team are looking for volunteers to help with their work.
Mowing the greens, maintaining the surrounding area, tidy up, paint seats, etc, any help gratefully received.
It is intended to have a green open day, when tuition on using mowers etc will be given. mowing is normally carried out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, early mornings for a couple of hours, please get in touch with Julie, 07986778595.
Membership fees will be the same as last year, £50 full playing Membership, £30 Associate membership, (non league players who wish to bowl) £15 Junior (under 18's), and £10 (club membership non bowlers).
We are looking to recruit new members of all standards.
You can pay by Cash, cheque, or bank transfer to Chaddesden Park Bowls Club sort code 30-99-50, account 88838960, ref your name.
At our AGM last night Mary Boardman our secretary stood down, as she will be moving from the area. We thank Mary for all her sterling work, she took over at a very difficult time for the club, and steered it back into some form of stability, through hard work and perseverance. It was a sharp learning curve for her.
Mary was presented with a bouquet of flowers by club chairman Julie Tooth.
Paul Burton was appointed as acting secretary on a years secondment, according to our club rules. Please give Paul your full support.
New Players
Chaddesden Park are looking to recruit new players, any standard from beginners, novices, or players from other clubs seeking a change.
please contact, Paul Burton 07306503428, or Kevin Braithwaite 07980436678, or download a membership form.
The Willow and Park greens have been hollow tined ,scarified, overseeded, and top dressed ready for the 2025 season. Thank you to the ground team for all their hard work during the season. It is easy to just turn up and play, but Chaddesden Park have some of the finest greens in the area, and members should appreciate this, it takes a lot of hard work and money to maintain them in good condition.
Congratulations to the Belper Saturday league A Team who have finished runners up in Division 2, and will be promoted to the Top Division next season.
Congratulations to the Belper Doubles A Team, who have finished runners up in Division 2, and will also play in the Top Division next season. (2 consecutive promotions.)
Congratulations to the South Derbyshire Senior Ladies who with only one game to go, look certain to win Division 2 (undefeated), and will play in Division1 next season.
Congratulations to the Belper Ladies team, finishing runners up in the Belper League 2, and will be promoted to Division 1.
The OVER 55,s A Team have also done well to reach the Charity Cup Final, they play the formidable Littleover 1, receiving 15 start. 11th September
At the last committee meeting it was agreed that players indicate ,which of all the leagues the club has entered , they wish to play in.
The captains of each team then selects players for their respective teams. Players DO NOT decide which team they are playing for, that is the captains decision, with the higher team having preference of selection to all players.
Members are asked to respect this, and players may be selected to play for a a higher team, or between teams, according to form and availability (consideration given to circumstances)
This is a club policy , and will be used for 2025
season, and is the only way the club will survive and improve.
There appears to be some confusion regard squads on the board.
Being named in a squad does not necessarily mean you only play for that team
Teams are selected on ability, and availability, and players must be prepared to play for any team they are selected for, and are not tied to a particular team or league.(subject to league rules) Preference of selection is always given to the higher team, who can call upon the best players from the next team when short.
It appears the club may have to withdraw a team from the Belper Saturday League. This means that players who may have been playing in that team, will have to be incorporated into the C &B teams, and the respective captains, need to include these players, there is no such thing as a set squad.
New Club Shirts
Club shirts have now been re ordered, original orders sold out. Please let our club chairman Julie Tooth know if you wish to buy one The club policy is for teams to wear the shirts in league matches, it looks like we are a team, and we encourage all players to do this.
The Fleeces are also available, see Julie for this, prices are
£12 shirts, £18 fleeces
.The new club LOGO pictured right will be on the shirts. You can pay by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
CHADDESDEN PARK BOWLS CLUB, sort code 30-99-50 A/C 88838960 REF your name
Fixtures 2024
GO TO LEAGUE INFO,RESULTS TAB ABOVE, then click onto sites listed, to view your team fixtures and results.

Meet Chadd, our new mascot, sculptured from a fallen tree at out park entrance

Ground News
The gulley's of both greens have been renewed, moss killer, and green conditioner have been purchased and will soon be applied, it is hoped weather permitting the greens will open April 1st .The Park Pavilion is being decorated, and new carpets will be fitted, should be a nice place to have a pint after the game. to help club funds.
Memberships Available
Full, £50, Associate £30, (play bowls but not league bowls), Juniors £15 (under18's) Social (club membership, for those who don't bowl)
bank transfer details: CHADDESDEN PARK BOWLS CLUB, sort code 30-99-50, A/C number 88838960, ref your name.
Polite reminder, if you don't pay your fees by 31st March, you wont be selected for teams.
Presentation Evening Thursday 19th October

Big thankyou to Julie Tooth and Mary Boardman for organising a very successful and enjoyable evening

CHADDESDEN PARK hosted the Derby Vets doubles Merits, on Friday, it turned out to be very well supported, the bar and food did very well, a big thankyou to Paul and Sue on catering, and all the club members who helped with scoring and measuring. Rob Treece and Mark Wilson from Littleover won the merits with Norman Lymer and Steve Harcula from A &B runners up.

Chaddesden Park A do the double, League and Cup winners Belper Doubles League
Last night Chaddesden completed the double beating South Wingfield 95-73 in the final, and adding the cup to the league trophy, They only lost 1 game in the season 2023
Well done all the players
THE fund raising event for the" BIG UN" was very successful for the club, and we would like to thank Julie and the team for all the hard work and effort they put in for the club, 7am to 5 pm is a long and exhausting effort, WELL DONE EVERYONE.

Kings Jubilee Party
Thank you to all those who turned out for the working party, to clean the Park Green pavilion. they did such a great job, so much so that we will not need a second date booked to finish the job, Mary Boardman Hon Sec.
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